Privacy Policy


We recognize the importance of privacy of personal information and are committed to treating any such information that we collect, use or disclose in a responsible manner.

Personal information is any information about an identifiable individual including information such as age, gender, religion, ethnic background, health, income, social status, political affiliations, home address and phone number, employment information, existence of disputes or knowledge of intentions.  Business information such as an employee's name, title, business address or phone number is not considered personal information.


We are responsible for all personal information in our possession or control.

Purpose of Collection

We collect personal information that we determine is necessary for commercial purposes.  This may include personal contact information, credit information and transaction history.  Personal information of employees will be collected and released only as required for administrative purposes.


We consider consent for the collection of this information to be implied in the necessity of conducting business.  If a situation arises where we are collecting or releasing information that falls outside of the normal conduct of our business, we will review the applicable legislation, and control access to this information or obtain additional consent as required.  Situations may also arise where we are required by law to release information.

Limits of Collection

The only personal information that we collect is that which we determine is necessary for commercial purposes.


We do not release or use personal information for any other purpose than the conducting of business.  Personal information is stored on company property.  Staff is trained in proper control of personal information.  Electronic data is protected from outside access by appropriate security.  Third parties having access will be required to confirm their privacy practices.


Information is retained only as long as is considered necessary for business purposes.  Generally, the maximum length of time accounting information is stored is 10 years.


Individuals may at any time request a review of their personal information and are encouraged to confirm its accuracy (individuals may be required to confirm their identity).


Questions or concerns about our privacy policy, or compliance, can be addressed to:

The Pottery Supply House Limited
1120 Speers Road
Oakville, ON  L6L 2X4
Att'n: Jeremy Willis.
Tel: 905-849-5540
Fax: 905-849-0001